I heard the phrase “we made it to Pluto” in regards to the New Horizon
mission reaching the faraway (dwarf) planet. The word “we” made me stop
and think. It is not “we” = NASA, it’s not “we” = Americans, it is “we”
= humanity. That’s pretty awesome, this goes up there with other
accomplishments that are too big for someone, some group, some nation to
claim. There aren’t too many things like that (good or bad – “we” did
WWII too), events that define history, that get to use that word to mean
everyone, all humans. The “we” that represents the pinnacle of our
accomplishment as a species or as a planet (considering “we” are the
product of a lot of events on this planet before humanity existed). Mr.
Tombaugh was there (his ashes were aboard the mission to Pluto),
but unfortunately no longer living to witness our arrival at this other
world as we are lucky enough to do.