My family history lead me to a near-vegetarian diet, which I followed for almost two decades. Red meat gives you heart disease and fruit, vegetables and pretend meat made out of soybeans are healthy. I felt I did moderate exercise, I got tired of going to the gym, but continued to walk and bike when I could. That should have been enough to keep me healthy, right?
In my mind I had no real healthy problems, just sleep apnea, but my mom has that, so that must be hereditary, not because I was overweight. Besides that, I also saw the chiropractor for back pain and also saw a doctor and physical therapist several times for the back pain and join pains throughout my body, but that was probably because I was getting older. We hired the neighbors to mow the lawn because I was knocked out of commission for a week due to allergies if I did it, but I always had allergies and athsma, it was nothing new. Also, around the time my first child was born, I was diagnosed with psoriasis, but it was another auto-immune disease, it just goes hand-in-hand with allergies and athsma, there was nothing I could have done about that. So, basically I was healthy, until suddenly I had a kidney stone.